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Mosaic School Day Two

Glittering Shards: Mosaic School Day Two

Glittering Shards

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mosaic School Day Two

Start of Day Two

End of Day Two

Doesn't seem like much but boy what a lot of learning. I am doing this piece in Opus Vermiculatum for the mosaicists among you and I am learning quite how much geometry is involved in this pattern. In the past I have lain my tiles 'like a tiler' without anticipating the way the flow around the form is interrupted by unintentional grout lines created by the way the tiles intersect. So that is one of the big things that I am trying to practice and get right (not easy).

The learning points of the day are too numerous and I will list them all once I get home. But the BIG ONE coming through is all about learning to see and pay attention to what your eye does when it looks at something - what is your eye drawn to? Is that what I want people to be drawn to or have I created a 'spike' that draws attention to itself and away from the focal point. Are there points of real interest that draw people to take a second look.

Now, to bed as I am a rather tired bunny - would you believe that moving from photo one to photo two could be such hard work?!

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