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Glittering Shards: Painting...toes

Glittering Shards

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Yesterday morning, Isabella and daddy were in the bathroom getting ready for the day and (for some bizarre reason) a discussion about toenails ensued. It went something like this:

Daddy: "Isabella, what do you think toenails are for?"
Isabella: (in matter of fact tone) "For painting, daddy!" (duh! don't you know!).

I can explain. Not long ago, Isabella, having watched me change my toenail colour on many occasions, asked if I could paint hers. Of course I happily agreed and we sat on the grass in the warm garden. She chose her nail colour and on it went. Toby followed suit and then insisted that daddy have his toenails painted too. So, half an hour later, there we all were, all painted in the toe nail department. Since then, her love affair with toenail varnish has unfolded and she has changed from purple to pink to blue (hey maybe we should try all three colours at once...) but I didn't realise it had gone so far! Don't you just love how kids minds work?



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